Third amendment to the Judicial Service Commission Act of Maldives [Law no. 10/2008]

On 03rd November 2022, the third amendment to the Judicial Service Commission Act of Maldives [Law no. 10/2008] was ratified.

Under the amendment, within 14 days, excluding public holidays, from the date of submission of a case to the Commission, the Committee deciding on the case shall forward its decision on the case to the Judicial Service Commission.

The amendment also grants respondent seven days, excluding public holidays, to submit their defence and any recommendations to the investigation committee—the seven-day period commences upon receipt of the investigation report. The Judicial Service Commission is also mandated to hold a hearing within seven days (excluding public holidays) upon receipt of the defence.

Further, the amendment mandates the investigation committee to send its reports to the commission, which the commission is required to share with the respondent. The respondent must have the opportunity to respond to the investigation report before a judgement is issued.