Webinar on the Art of Mooting

Maldives Moot Court Society (MMCS) is a non-governmental organisation committed to promote a mooting culture among law students, strengthen the rule of law and connect like minded leaders. To further our efforts, we have launched a webinar series and below is our very first webinar. The webinar is on the ‘Art of Mooting’ and is presented by Ms. Nabira Farman.

Ms. Nabira Farman is an excellent Mootie who just recently was one of the semifinalists at the ACIC Vis Pre-Moot competition. She has also received Best Memorial Award at the 16th K.K. Luthra International Memorial Moot Court Competition, 2020 and the G.D. Goenka Technology Moot Court Competition, 2021.

In the Webinar Ms. Nabira covered the following.

(1) Definition of mooting
Why moots are essential
(3) Moot Problem
(4) Stakeholder in a moot
(5) Facts investigation
Preliminary research
(7) Drafting a Memorial
(8) Marking criteria of a Memorial
(9) Oral submission
(10) Marking criteria in Orals
(11) Excelling at the Orals
(12) Do’s
(13) Don’ts.