Maldives Moot Court Society (MMCS) is thrilled to celebrate the conclusion of the UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Day 2023 event co-organized with the UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific, The Maldives National University and Villa College. 

Our event, titled “Resolving cross-border commercial disputes in the Asia-Pacific: Digital dynamics and the role of mediation” brought together various stakeholders, including law students, professionals, ADR practitioners to academics. Here are some highlights of the event:

📌 Ms. Asna Ahmed, Dean of the Faculty of Shari’ah and Law at Villa College, started off the event with her opening remarks. 

📌 Ms. Khadheeja Rasheed, Assistant Professor at The Maldives National University navigated the Human Element: Mediation.

📌 Ms. Athita Komindr, Head of UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RCAP), delved into Embracing the Digital Frontier, presenting UNCITRAL’s project on Dispute Resolution in the Digital Economy. 

📌 Mr. Thomas John, Accredited International Mediator, Arbitrator and Director of CDRC Vienna discussed mediation in the Asia-Pacific focusing on initiatives and institutional support. 

📌 Ms. Tracy Choi, Legal Expert at UNCITRAL RCAP, discussed UNCITRAL’s Mediation Framework, related developments, e-modules and Introduced the RCAP internship programme. 

📌 Mr. Jeongwoo Jang, a current intern at UNCITRAL RCAP, shared his internship experience. 

📌 Ms. Khushi Goel, ADR Advocacy Director at MMCS, closed the event with her closing remarks. 

Thank you all for joining and making the UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Day 2023 event a huge success!