Training Overview

The 3-day MMCS Virtual Mediation Skills Training is a comprehensive and practical course designed to equip participants with the skills, techniques, and knowledge necessary to effectively mediate disputes in various settings. Whether in organizational, community, or interpersonal conflicts, this training provides a multi-modal approach, incorporating several mediation methods and frameworks to suit diverse conflict situations. By the end of the training, participants will be empowered to facilitate productive conversations, foster mutual understanding, and guide disputing parties toward resolution.

The training emphasizes on active listening, empathy, problem-solving, negotiation strategies, and cultural sensitivity, with a focus on integrating multiple approaches to mediation. This ensures that participants are not only equipped to handle conflicts in traditional settings but also in complex, multi-faceted, and cross-cultural scenarios.

Why Join Our Mediation Training?

  • Develop both theoretical and practical mediation skills across diverse fields.
  • Gain in-depth knowledge on essential topics in mediation.
  • Connect and network with leading academics and industry practitioners.
  • Explore various career paths and opportunities within the field of mediation.
  • Benefit from innovative teaching methods. 
  • Receive a Certificate of Completion, enhancing your professional credentials.
  • Participants of our training sessions will be given priority for future opportunities.

Training Schedule

Day 1 (14 February 2025, Friday): 

  • Session 1: Understanding Conflict (4 PM Maldives Time / 4:30 PM IST / 11 AM GMT)
    In this 1 hour session, Ruhi Thakkar will dive into the nature of conflict, exploring its underlying causes and potential effects. Participants will gain an understanding of how conflicts emerge and escalate, as well as how they can be deconstructed to find common ground. A key focus will be on the role of perception and interests in shaping conflicts, equipping participants with tools to identify and address these factors effectively.
  • Session 2: Principles & Framework of Mediation (5 PM Maldives Time / 5:30 PM IST / 12 PM GMT)
    In this 1 hour session, Pusshp Gupta will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the mediation process, highlighting its many benefits as a tool for dispute resolution. While also covering the ethical principles that underpin mediation, emphasising the importance of neutrality, impartiality, and confidentiality. This session aims to build a strong conceptual foundation for participants, preparing them for the practical aspects of mediation.

Day 2 (15 February 2025, Saturday): 

  • Session 3: Building Communication & Negotiation Skills (4 PM Maldives Time / 4:30 PM IST / 11 AM GMT)
    In this 1 hour session, Kevin Lee will guide participants in developing essential skills for effective mediation. The focus will be on active listening, employing strategic questioning techniques, and managing emotions to foster a productive dialogue. Additionally, he will share practical strategies for negotiation and persuasion, enabling participants to facilitate collaborative problem-solving and reach mutually beneficial outcomes.
  • Session 4: Stages of the Mediation Process (5 PM Maldives Time / 5:30 PM IST / 12 PM GMT)
    In this 1 hour session, Kaainat Pundir will take participants through the key phases of mediation, including opening, storytelling, issue identification, problem-solving, and agreement drafting. Additionally, she will share practical tips for transitioning smoothly between these stages, ensuring participants understand the structure of a successful mediation. The session will be rich with actionable insights to help the participants navigate each phase with confidence and efficiency.

Day 3 (21 February 2025, Friday): 

  • Session 5: Managing power Imbalances & Impasses (4 PM Maldives Time / 4:30 PM IST / 11 AM GMT)
    In this 1 hour session, Lisa Thomas will address one of the most challenging aspects of mediation. Participants will learn techniques to handle power asymmetries, ensuring fairness and maintaining the integrity of the mediation process. Additionally, she will introduce creative approaches to breaking deadlocks, helping participants identify pathways to resolution even in the most complex situations.
  • Session 6: Practical Application & Documentation in Mediation (5 PM Maldives Time / 5:30 PM IST / 12 PM GMT)
    In this 1.5 hour session, Rukmani Menon will explore mediation techniques and procedural documentation. Through guided role-plays, participants will apply the skills they have learned in real-world scenarios, followed by constructive feedback to enhance their performance. Furthermore, she will introduce the critical documents used in mediation, including the mediation agreement, opening statement summaries, issue identification records, and settlement agreements while also taking participants through the procedure for drafting and finalizing these documents, ensuring compliance with legal and procedural standards while maintaining mediator neutrality.


Ruhi Thakkar

Operations Director for AOI India and Special Global Projects at ADR ODR International

Pusshp Gupta

Senior Mediation Trainer at Supreme Court of India

Kevin Lee


Kaainat Pundir

Advocate, Supreme Court of India. Mediator and Arbitrator.

Lisa Thomas

Founder and Principal Tutor at Lisa Thomas Legal Academy

Rukmani Menon

Partner at Menon & Menon​

Fee Structure


  • To join the training program, participants must register with MMCS. 
  • A valid email address is required during registration, as payment instructions will be sent to the participants email within three days after the registration form is submitted.
  • Registration will be confirmed once the fee is paid by the deadline specified in the payment instruction email of MMCS.